A2. Kinetic Theory and its applications
Special Session organized by: G. Palasanzas and A. Rossani
The topics which are intended to be covered by the present workshop are the following:
1) Kinetic Theory of carriers and phonons in bipolar semiconductors, with the derivation of macroscopic equations, by means of both MEP (maximum entropy principle) and asymptotic expansion methods
2) Enskog equation and application to reacting gases, with related theorems
3) Kinetic theory of reacting gases: macroscopic equations
4) Mathematical methods of Kinetic Theory, with related theorems.
ΣΦ Conference
SigmaPhi Awards
During the conference, six works selected out of all the oral and poster presentations have been awarded. The prizes have been supported by the following institutions: - European Phy...
School of Statistical Physics
New Trends in StatPhys: Organized by G. Caldarelli and G. Kaniadakis
EPS Young Researcher Grants
The Organizing Committee of the SigmaPhi 2017 International Conference is very please to inform that the EPS Young Researcher Grants have been assigned
Springer Nature Lectures
The publishing company Springer Nature sponsors three lectures
EPS-SNP Meeting
The summer board meeting of the European Physical Society - Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division (EPS-SNP) will be held during the SigmaPhi2017 Conference
SigmaPhi2017 Europhysics Conference
The European Physical Society (EPS) has recognized the SigmaPhi2017 as Europhysics Conference.
1. Kappa Distributions and Statistical Mechanics
Workshop organized by: G. Livadiotis, P. Yoon and K. Dialynas
2. Statistical Physics for the Digital Economy
Workshop organized by: T. Aste, G. Caldarelli, T. Di Matteo and G. Livan
4. Statistical Physics of Environment, Climate and Ecosystems
Workshop organized by: P. Ditlevsen, D. Hristopulos and D. Valenti
5. Complexity and self-organization in biology and physiology
Workshop organized by: P. Paradisi and R. Metzler
6. Sociophysics and Econophysics
Workshop organized by: M.L. Bertotti and V. Constantoudis
Special Sessions
A1. Stochastic Processes in Complex Environments
Special Session organized by: J. Talbot and C. Mejia-Monasterio
A2. Kinetic Theory and its applications
Special Session organized by: G. Palasanzas and A. Rossani
A3. Information Geometry
Special Session organized by: D. Johnston, H. Matsuzoe, G. Ruppeiner and T. Wada