5. Complex Networks
Workshop organized by: A. Scala "Interacting networks" and B. Kahng "Phase transitions in networks"
Complex and Interacting Networks
The field of Complex Networks has emerged from the success of Statistical Mechanics paradigms to describe large networked systems. Through this theory we can describe in a natural way both technological systems as the Internet and the WWW, socio-economical networks but also bio-chemical networks.
A new topic has recently emerged from the needs of describing our reality: networks of networks, that is to say networks in interaction. In fact, the inter-dependencies among socio-technological systems can lead to emergent behaviour unexpected from the system design but predictable from the point of view of Statical Mechanics.
This session hosts important questions like the stability and controllability of networked systems (both isolated and in interaction), their robustness and resilience and in general their emergent behaviours. Applications range from the study of contagion in human, financial and opinion networks to the study of systemic risk in infrastructural networks.
Invited Speakers
Bianconi G. (Queen Mary Univeristy, London, United Kingdom)
Tria F. (ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy)
Aste T. (University College London, United Kingdom)
Cellai D. (University of Limerick, Ireland)
De Agostino G. (ENEA, Roma, Italy)
Gabrielli A. (CNR, Roma, Italy)
Tibély G. (Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary)
Zlatic V. (Institute Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb, Croatia)
Interest of drastic phase transitions in complex networks has been boosted recently in many phenomena such as cascading failures in multiplex networks, spreading of epidemic diseases, synchronization, explosive percolations, cluster aggregation dynamics, opinion formation, and so on. In such systems, a small perturbation of external parameter near the transition point induces drastic changes of macroscopic patterns. Therefore, not only is it necessary to understand the fundamental mechanisms underlying such phase transitions, but it is also important to find ways to enhance resilience against fragmentation or to prevent the spreading of diseases. The goal of this session is bringing researchers and students together and providing an opportunity to share one another’s work covering those issues.